Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rise and Shine!

Rise and shine..back to getting up super early to workout. I really do prefer getting my workout done right away in the morning  and earlier the better. I also like at least 2 hours or more before I need to start my day. Its my 2 hour of workout recovery time. 
My push up challenge is still going strong, day 4 and I did 8 push-ups. I came across a post for 100 push ups in a month? or was it 100 days? I doubt I'll be able to ever do that many.. but I'll keep trying to add more push-ups each day or just do the same amount with good form. 

Last night Steve made the best dinner. He used those small pasta noodles he cooked for the soup, added roasted tomatoes with garlic and asparagus on top with a thin cut side of boneless pork. Delicious is all I can say! 
My foam roller is getting lots of use. Steve discovered its a great way to work out back, leg pain..I really am sold on this foam roller. It's pain but it feels good too. 

My favorite workout partner.. what would I do without him? We both worked out on the crossramp for 30 minutes then I had to run on the treadmill. 30 minutes is all I can stand to run indoors. I stuck with hills at a 1.0 incline random. 6.0mph to 6.5mph and the lowest 5.7mph.. the 30 minutes really drags on and on... 6 miles total in 62 minutes.. DONE! 

Now off to do my 50 squats with adding 8lb weights in each hand to make it harder, done with my 1 minute planks (straight and bent arms) and 1 minute Super woman! 

We are also on a warm up in Minnesota.. maybe by tomorrow I'll be out cross country skiing in the afternoon! Wishful thinking!!!

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