Almost back to normal after being sick the entire week. Today is another restful day. The dog went home, Sunday news paper reading and relaxing was on my agenda.
February 2nd is also Crepe Day! I have an excuse to eat 3 crepes with raspberry jelly and 2 slices of bacon for breakfast. I just love crepes. I added some vanilla to the batter making them extra tasty. Steve and the kids agreed they were the best.
You bet I still worked out today.. Even on a lazy Sunday! I just waited till 8:30am before I left to go run. I actually felt okay this morning. Did my 30 minutes on the cross ramp. I still kept the resistance down to not push myself so hard. The last 30 minutes or 3 miles was on the treadmill. I ran it slow.. 5.5mph and the last 3 minutes at 6.0mph flat, flat, flat.. 6 miles accomplished and I didn't want to do any weight lifting!
Weekly total was pretty good for being sick.
44 total Cardio (blood pumping) miles..
32 miles on the cross ramp
12 miles on the treadmill.
5 days of planks, pushups, squats and superwoman (2 complete head pounding days I couldn't do it)
Plus, I shoveled snow 2x's , 8" total???
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