Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, December 11, 2015

Got to love those fresh legs after a three day break!

One thing that's really good about a running break is coming back and having that fresh leg feeling. Three days was just enough time off from running that my legs really felt great. I think any longer and it might not have felt so great.. like a lot harder. It's finding the right balance between keep going and taking a few days off. 
It was another nice morning for a run. Our temperatures this December have been crazy nice in the 40's. It's been so weird, but great for running! I'm kind of liking seeing green grass even though I am missing out on Cross country skiing. 

Some crazy thoughts popped into my mind. Crazy like why not start running two times a day. I have a hard time getting off the couch once I'm done working for the day. I'm not sure I could go for a run. It sounds all good in my head in the morning but talk to me in the afternoon/evening and I'm like nope.. not going to do it! I am just done for the day, but bored too. 

I'm still working on that go to the gym at least 3 days a week goal. I drive there to drop off Celina to workout but I never feel like going in. I probably should work on this before trying to run more miles two times a day. 
I made dinner last night. Thin pork chops and re-headed mini potatoes with my favorite salad. I also toasted my whole grain bread and topped it with some soft cheese. I can cook, but don't tell anyone. I don't want to do it every day. 
Day 54 of my 1500 diet. It's more like 1700 to 2000 calorie diet. I seem to go over board on the calories after 3pm to 8pm. I just want to eat till I feel full. In all, I'm still making good food choices. Not losing a lot of weight.. it's slow.. really slow progress due to my not sticking with the low calories. I'm not gaining either which is really easy to do this time of year with all the temptations. I'll keep going, keep working on losing body fat and getting more tone. I do see a big change in my food choices. I really do load up on veggies and fruit and am making a lot less unhealthy food choices. It's all about balance and keeping the main goal, to be healthy and fit. 

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