Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 is coming to an end..

2015 might be coming to an end, but not my cross country skiing. We have a nice amount of snow and I should be able to ski every day. I have to admit, I was a bit sore all over the last couple of days from skiing. 
Its the good kind of sore, when you know that other muscles that are under used are getting a workout. I love how cross country skiing uses your legs, arms and core. I have the non-wax skis which provide resistance and just don't glide as easily as the waxing ones, so I have to work a little extra hard to get moving. I only notice the difference when I ski around people with wax skis and they are able to glide so much more easily. I'm okay with the non-wax since I want to keep it easy to ski and I want a good workout. That's the point right, just to get in a hard workout? 
I skied at my favorite park Wednesday afternoon, but kept thinking I need to get to the new cross country skiing park that is a little farther away, but it would be a nice change to have another place to ski. I do the same route that I've been skiing for a few years and I'd like a change. This is the part where I am always afraid to do something new. I like the known and this is a little out of my comfort zone. A new trail sounds exciting, but also there are so many unknowns, will I get lost, will I be able to figure out the trail.. Will I be skiing for miles and miles and have a hard time getting out of the woods and mostly I don't want to forget about my safety. You never know who is out there on the trails. 

Steve and I finally got into the dentist. We had to find a new one and they luckily had an opening at 8am. It felt great to get my teeth cleaned. Unfortunately, I'll be going back on the 6th to get a cavity filled. Steve had a cavity filled and his teeth cleaned plus he too needs to go back to get one more filling replaced. Guess that's what happens when you don't go to the dentist as often as we should. 
My other new jacket and yoga pants.. I'm treating myself for my weight loss reward. Day #74. Not sure I should be counting last nights dinner and dessert as a success on my diet. 
New Years Eve is always Crazy, so we decided to make last night our night to eat out and celebrate the new year. We went to get pizza at Savoys in St. Paul. I'm so happy Logan's taste buds are growing up. He loves supreme, minus the mushrooms. He is okay with picking off anything he doesn't like, but managed to try the mushroom this time and I didn't hear any complaints. This is a huge difference from last year when cheese pizza was all he wanted. We ate the entire pizza between the four of us. That's just what happens when you have to wait an hour to get your dinner. Glad there are no leftovers to tempt me. 
 After dinner, we drove over to Cosettas to get some dessert. We split everything four ways including an oatmeal cookie and some macaroons. I did not need to eat this, but it's a treat. Once in awhile is fine plus, we all shared so we only had a small slice of each. 
I was doing so well on my daily calories and then comes dinner. The meal that is not planned out very well. I'm going to try tackling that in the new year. I'm making a list of meals for the week and trying to do more healthy meal cooking myself. This should keep me busy making a meal and make better healthy choices for dinner. 
I've got to get serious about getting back into these skinny red jeans. I might still wear yoga pants 99% of the time but I'd like to wear this again at least 1% or have it be an option. Week 20 is the goal date. I'm on week #11 so I still have time to lose the weight I need. It's not an all or nothing. If I don't make that goal, I'm still going to keep at it, keep trying to fit back into those jeans but this is a completely do -able goal right now.. I'm close. I can get into them, just can't zip them up and they are not comfortable. Must be able to wear them and feel good, not stuffed into my jeans. 
Happy New Years Eve.. enjoy your last day of 2015. 

Here's what I'll be doing on my last day of the year..
Yoga 1 hour - done
Daily exercises/planks - done
Blog - done
Work for 3 hours
Stop at the store/bank
Cross country ski 1+hours
Make dinner with the family or get Chinese takeout? 
Play board games
Read and /or watch a movie. 
Watch TV at 11pm when the ball drops in time square if I'm awake. 

We've been invited out to dinner, to a neighbors but I think just staying home and spending it with the kids this year will be the best way to ring in the new year! 

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