Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Do you ever read those articles that offer suggestions on how to lose weight, be happier, healthier, more fit and the list goes on? 

Do you ever take the advice and make changes? 

I like reading up on any helpful suggestions I can get to lose weight. Since I'm on a weight loss journey to be more fit and healthy, I'll take any good suggestions I can get. Lots of times I am already doing what is suggested. 

Eat on a smaller plate. We switched from large dinner plates down to the salad plate size and went from red, which the color is suppose to make you eat more to white which is neutral. Smaller plates mean you'll pile less on your plate and help you cut calories.  

Drink lots of water. I constantly have many water bottles around the house and am always thirsty. I pretty much only drink water with the occasional glass or two of wine a few times a month. I really don't like any other drinks, coffee or juice. Just water. 

Eat more veggies- I've been doing this. I eat a huge salad for lunch, eat mostly veggies roasted for dinner with a small amount of meat. 

Make food substitutions - switched out my ice cream treat at night for Greek Yogurt and raspberries (100 calories). 

Snacking on popcorn, edamame, and veggies. 

Eating full fat, avocado, skipping all the non-fat, and fat free foods

limiting eating processed foods - too much of all the bad stuff (salt, hydrogenated, hidden sugars) 

Having soup before a meal - fills you up. 

Eating at home and not doing a lot of fast food. If I go out to eat, I eat some thing before so I'm not starved and make poor food choices. 

This HITT workout. Bursts of high intensity followed by a cool down and then repeat. I don't always do this but with running hills and varying my cardio I get plenty of HITT. 

Lift weights.. Could work on this more, but I've added back in bicep curls 15 pound weights to tone up the arms. Do lunges before I run and do my body weight planks each and every day. 

I could go on and on about small changes I've made here and there. I still have plenty of room for improvement and am always searching for more ways to lose weight and make better choices. 

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