Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I'm thinking....

What better way to think about something that was really bothering me then to go ski for an hour and work up a good sweat. Speed running, skiing or just doing something fast and hard for an hour to get my blood pumping and my mind running clear. I can just think about all possible solutions to any problem I might encounter while I workout. What you ask is the issue? There really is no issue, because it's really a non issue to be a good, fast productive worker. I have to remind myself of that when my strength is not always appreciated. Just because someone does not value speed, does not mean your not doing a good job. I just have to keep that in mind when working and adjust accordingly with out sacrificing my own work pace. I'll just find something else to do and keep working fast. 
It feels good to spend a lot of time thinking while I'm working out, I burn off all my frustrations and come up with a good solution. 
5,74 miles of cross country skiing in one hour and 15 minutes. 
Now to munch on some popcorn, rest and relax. Maybe even do some more yoga. I sure hope tomorrow is a happier work day then today ended. 

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