Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, November 30, 2015

I was Surprised!

How did I end up with two of the same black shirts in two different sizes and not know it? 
I loved this new shirt so much that I bought it in three colors, black, gray and red-maroon.  I some how purchased two black shirts and I'm guessing it was because I was undecided about what size to get? Oh well, you can never have enough black shirts that are clean. 

Woke up to at least 2 inches more of snow. We will be getting another wave of snow later on. I will be getting out the cross country ski's and making my own trail through the woods later on. I'm excited to get the ski's out once again. Running is going to be too difficult today and probably a little too dangerous on the roads. I'll stick to another way to get in my hour of cardio by cross country skiing. 
I am just not super motivated to do anything right away this morning. I use to be a get up and go workout right away person. I've learned this past year it's okay to wait a few hours, I'll still get out there and run or for today ski. 
I'm not spending my Monday with Evan since his other grandmother is watching him today. I'm bummed to not spend the day with my favorite little guy. This does give me the whole day to ski and get some much needed organizing done around the house. I just have to get my todo list in order to get something accomplished. I'm just not moving fast since Steve and I went to see the new James Bond Movie at 9pm last night. A late night and up early this morning. 

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