Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, November 16, 2015

An incredibly nice afternoon in November!

We could not expect a much nicer day in November then it was on Sunday afternoon. We hit the 60's. I'm not sure of the exact temperature but it was extremely nice with hardly any wind. I just wish the sun would stay up longer to extend our time enjoying a nice November day!
We all decided to go for a walk at Minnehaha park and check out the waterfall. 
We walked all around the falls seeing it on all sides, lower, upper and both sides. 

Did I mention how many stairs we climbed up and down. I counted each flight as I walked up two at a time. T=20 stairs each flight and I lost count of how many flights we walked up and down. Down was not bad, it was up that you could feel the good workout. We stopped at the top to catch our breath. It would be a good workout to do each day! 
Selfie time.. 

We had to hurry home to start cooking for family dinner. 
 On to my Monday fun day with Evan. I'm not sure what all we have planned for today. A trip to the train store, Choo Choo Bob's might be in the plans. 

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