Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Fun Friday!

It was gorgeous outside yesterday. I got to wear flip flops.. I didn't see anyone else wearing open toe shoes while I was out and about, but I didn't care. I had one of those can't find a thing while shopping for clothes trips. The best way I could make things right again, was to do what all the other runners recommend, having some Frozen Yogurt. I love doing the taste test of every flavor before purchasing. I liked s'more and strawberry best and tried to go the healthy route and top it with fruit. The blueberries looked good, but not the strawberries or the raspberries. Guess next time I'll check the fruit toppings before deciding the flavors. I do like peanut butter cups.. and it made a really good combo. The price for Frozen Yogurt is a little crazy $3.50 for 1/4 of the cup filled. Might just stick to buying a half gallon at the grocery store. 

Can you tell I've got a full blown cold? Feeling a lot run down this morning, but I still ran on the cross ramp. Just took it easy and didn't go extra crazy on the resistance. I was still a sweaty mess.  Sneezing up a storm is not fun. Being sick over the weekend will not make it fun. 

My day is going to be spent getting healthy or trying to.. Drinking lots of fluids, soup, and rest. 

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