Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, January 26, 2015

That's Rude!

It was one of those times in the gym... you know where a person is completely Rude! There is the Rude person who has really bad body odor that runs in the fan.. blowing the stench all over the place. Or the guy like today who snorted and made all kinds of disgusting noises next to me. All vomit producing rude-ness! I could only take so much and I had to move away. So Rude!
Back to wearing jeans and a normal, non-workout top! Comfortable once again to wear now that I've lost a few pounds. I've been at a stalled weight for a week. It's of course 100% due to my weekend eating. I'm just going to say that I needed to eat normal foods and have around 2000 - 2200 calories for a few days to jump start my metabolism again and trick it into not thinking I'm starving myself with reduced calories of 1000 to 1700 per day. 

I got up extra early just so I could fit in an hour cardio workout. It's my Monday Evan day. I wanted to make sure after Sundays rest day I worked out today. I was up early enough to stretch for an hour.. can't miss out on that! 
I didn't take any photos of my Sunday night breakfast dinner last night but I did take a photo of my favorite fruit. Cuties. I had at least 3 yesterday for my healthy choice snack. Oh and the food was pretty good, crepes, quiche, hash browns and bacon. I just skipped eating any bacon. 
I'm starving.. off to have breakfast! 

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