Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Getting back to...

 Its kind of nice getting back to healthy eating after a weekend full of buffets, donuts and bacon. I was craving salad and my usual PB on whole grain bread. While it's nice to be on vacation, I do let go of my normal foods and daily exercises. Even though we skied and got exercise, I still feel like a slug for not doing my morning exercises and yoga. I could have totally run or gone skiing when we got home from our ski vacation but I played with Zoe our puppy instead. 
 I'm pretty positive that this is the last few days I'll be able to cross country ski. We have a 50+F warm up on the way in a few days, Thursday-Friday. I'm positive that the trails won't be in great shape today or tomorrow, but I still plan to head out and ski.  I'm looking forward to getting back out there and enjoying the last few days I have left. It's back to running after the snow is done. 
It's been a challenge doing my stretching and morning exercises with Zoe around. She wants to play and play rough for the first two hours after waking up. I just try to stretch and play with her but it's not easy. I just have to get through the next two months of puppy teeth. I don't want to get off track and stop doing yoga or my exercises. I just have to figure out a way to keep doing both. Life is always changing and you have to make adjustments and roll with it. 
Life is so much better with a dog. Its more work right now but she will be a good running dog. Well, worth the effort. 
Its a challenge getting back to healthy eating. While I crave healthy foods, I need to get rid of wanting to eat candy and unhealthy foods. I probably need to re-start the diet and keep my calories at 1500, not 2000 per day. It's time to start losing weight again and not just maintaining. Nothing wrong with maintaining especially while on a vacation. I just still have a few more pounds.. 10 to drop by June. 

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