Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Building up miles.

I haven't been running much this winter since I chose cross country skiing over running for weeks. Now I'm back to running outdoors and need to build back up my miles on the road. It's never a good idea to think you can just pick up where you left off. I really try to do this by running six miles and then I get hurt some how. Wonder why.. doing too many miles too soon is a recipe for injury. I always end up finding this out the hard way. 
My morning running plan was to do an easy 6 miles on my favorite neighborhood path loop. I ran two loops, stopped at home and realized, the front of my calve on my right leg really hurt. So much that I was walking with a limp and it hurt to touch my leg. This is a sign that pushing on and doing too many miles too soon, is just not a good idea. I really wanted to finish my miles. I had to just remember that if it hurts this bad right now, I could do more harm then good. I don't want to risk not being able to run. Its better to stop at 3 miles then push through six and not be able to run for a few or many days after. 
This week here's the break down of my running miles.
Monday- Zero 
Tuesday - 4 miles in snow, felt like 6 miles
Wednesday - 6 miles
Thursday- zero miles
Friday - 6 miles
Saturday - 6 miles
Sunday - 3 miles
Total running road miles = 25 

7 days of my planks/daily exercises. 
I think the rule is no more then a 10% increase per week. A few years ago I'd run 7 days a week, 6 miles a day but most of those miles were indoors on the cross ramp with very little chance to get injured. Road and trail running is completely different then indoors. I'll build back up to running more miles fairly quickly. Maybe less rest days. I'm getting more laid back in my workout schedule and that's not necessarily a good thing. 
Last night, Steve and I hung out at Buckhill for two hours while Celina and her friends went tubing. It was for Celina's birthday with her friends. 

While they were all tubing, Steve and I hung out in the Restaurant/bar. We had a drink and shared some wild rice soup. 
 They changed up a few things and put in new fire place heaters outside and added ski's in the restaurant. It sure looked a lot nicer then last year. Guess it helps when new owners take over the ski resort. 
We had cake for Celina. She made a vanilla bean cake with raspberry butter cream frosting. 

Breakfast with her girl friends the next day. 
 Plus, a cute Zoe puppy photo 11 weeks.. 

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