Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, November 2, 2014

That Extra Hour is not helping

So much for having an extra hour to sleep in or get more things done in a day. I didn't sleep in and here is it noon and I haven't done much with my day. No shower and I still have to do laundry, clean the house, make bread and pasta noodles. 
What I did do with that extra hour from Day light Savings time.. Fall back?
We treated ourselves to some fat pills / donuts from Mojo Monkeys. They make the best donuts.. bacon, maple is by far my favorite. Steve and I split that doughnut and a cinnamon roll. I was disappointed we again did not get there in time to try a lemon Bismark! 

 Yoga stretch and run morning. Yes, I do know my leggings are looking a little fuzzy. That's what happens when you wash them with a new blanket and it picks up all the lint. I love these legging for running in the fall. They are extra thick and go down to my ankles. I'm not ready to retire them just yet. 
Fall would not be complete with out making some butter roasted pumpkin seeds with sea salt and coarse pepper sprinkled on top. One of my favorite snacks. 
I'm just happy I didn't have to do any of the pumpkin seed clean up! 

My Garmin is being finicky. It won't upload my 6 miles I ran. Oh well, you'll have to take my word that I ran our neighborhood, 4x's up that killer path hill and finished it in 60 minutes. Some miles were 9 something.. and the rest around a 10 minute mile. I got to enjoy the runners high mile 4.. coming down a short hill.. the sun was in my eyes so I just closed them and ran blind down the hill fast. Felt like I was flying.. 

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