Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Taking a 12 year old to the gym and a pulled muscle!

Logan turned 12, finally at that age where you can go to the gym. He wanted a membership to build some muscle, and to work on running endurance for soccer. Giving him a gift of a membership to the gym was a good idea. 
I should have been a good blogger and taken photos at the gym, but I didn't. Logan having never worked out in a gym, didn't know anything about lifting weights or the machines for cardio. Celina, had weight training at school in gym, so she only needed a few tips and was easy compared to Logan. 
Logan was all about acting a bit silly at the gym, just like in this photo. He just wanted to figure it out on his own and act goofy while doing it. He doesn't need to take this all serious, but I don't need him getting hurt either. I just wanted to make sure he knew the correct way to behave and use the machines. 
Logan doesn't need to spend a lot of time in the gym or build a lot of muscle. I'm not sure how often he will want to come with Celina and I to the gym, but at least he knows how to use the equipment and can figure out what he wants to do, on his own. 
Going to play soccer last night at 10pm might not have been that good for me. I ate way too much at dinner. Can you say binge day and 100% off my 1500 calorie diet. I made poor food choices from lunch on.. There was no getting around eating out for lunch and Culvers was the choice location. I just ordered two fried chicken tenders and onion rings which I tried to share with Steve. The meal also came with a drink and they do have my favorite root beer. Ugh! Came home to have popcorn, okay that's not a bad choice, but the cookie bars were and I over indulged in them! 
So much for waiting till Thanksgiving to splurge a little. Dinner wasn't much better with pasta but I did have a salad and then came the garlic bread. I ate just the buttery garlic soft bread in the middle and left the crust. Way too much white bread and the not good for me junk like butter. My stomach didn't feel that great playing soccer even thought I had a few hours to digest. 
On warm up, I managed to pull a thigh (Quad) muscle. Nothing like having a pulled muscle and try to run. We had plenty of subs, so I stretched out my legs while others went in to play. I spent most of last night stretching out my muscle in hopes to loosen it up and prevent a worse injury. It worked. Not 100% but not as painful. Stretching and keeping at it worked with also a little help from Advil. 
I still don't feel very speedy while playing soccer. I decided it's time to start doing 2 speed sessions per week. One on my own and one during soccer. I can't expect to get fast, if I'm not running faster a few times a week. I have exactly 4 weeks left to play soccer and I want to make the most out of my playing time. 

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