Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, November 21, 2014

Stretching is so important! Plus it's Day 5 of 1500!!!

Other then getting in a good sweaty run each day, I love spending at least 30 minutes stretching and doing yoga. Stretching is the very first thing I do after I wake up. I have time to think about what I want accomplish or just spend time relaxing before my hectic day begins. 
I know some runners aren't in the stretch  before you run due to various reasons. I'm all for loosening up my body to get it ready to move and to wake me up. I can't just get up and expect my legs to want to run. My back usually aches a little so doing stretches to work out my back pain has made a huge difference in how I feel. 

I sometimes like to do an after work stretch to relax or in the evening because after I sit for awhile I tend to stiffen up and that's when my back starts hurting. 

My PB on Whole grain bread is also very easy to eat while stretching. Plus, I love water. I have water bottles every where around the house and in my car. 
It's my number One Choice of drinks! A little wine once in awhile too but mainly just water. I was a 2 liter diet coke a day person for years. I never felt good and packed on the pounds. I use to think food tasted so good with a diet coke. Now it grosses me out. It was a hard habit to break at the time. I still have a Root-beer once in a great while, no diet the full calorie stuff. 
I tried a new soup yesterday. It was very good, but more expensive for less soup. It's a great lunch option especially sticking to 500 calories. I had enough calorie leftover to have a half of a peanut butter sandwich too. 
I am feeling my speed soccer workout on my thighs. Maybe that's why I just couldn't run last night and had the worst run ever! Sore and tired legs that just didn't want to move. They felt extremely heavy! 
Day 5 of 1500 calories per day diet to lose 10 pounds. I have no idea how much if any weight I've lost. I do feel better eating healthy which is what really counts. I'll be trying on my skinny jeans to see how they fit and if there is any wiggle room. That's the true test because I just want comfy feeling skinny jeans. 
It's also too cold to run outside. Well, not for everyone but for me its too cold 8+F. I'm off to the gym to run a few miles. Plus, I have a very busy Friday work day ahead. Plenty of calories will be burned today just working. 

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