Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I need to dream a little!

When it gets below zero, I start dreaming about Florida.. I've gone so far as to look for a new home on the beach. I'd even take a shack on the beach right about now. Winter hasn't officially started and I'm already over it! Or over the Below Zero cold! 
It will be another inside running day. Probably on the cross ramp since I really don't care for the treadmill. Running outdoors is just not an option this morning. 
I just don't like having to bundle up to run around our block. It sure beats not running and sitting on the couch. So I'll do what I have to on the nice winter days. 
Still nibbling on part 1 of my breakfast. I like to take my time and eat while I stretch. I usually don't wake up hungry so it's hard to want to eat. Speaking of eating.. It's day 4 of my 1500 calories!

I do feel better. Who knows if I've lost any weight? I just like that I don't feel like I'm on a diet. Knowing the exact calories I can eat at every meal really helps me stay on track. I plan to keep going till Thanksgiving. I'll be eating far more calories that day but small portions of pie, and gravy. I've also got most of the day to run and lift weights since I don't do any of the cooking. A pre-holiday plan to control my eating, then get right back on track the next day! 

Soccer is going great! I'm improving little by little. It's also fun to run fast and burn off some evening calories. 

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