Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In Training mode...

I've been looking over Dualathalon races in Minnesota the last few days.  The races I'd want to enter have a bike distance of 10 miles. Instead of running on the treadmill, after Steve and I did 30 minutes (3 miles) on the crossramp, we headed over to these stationary bikes. 
We both choose the "hill" program, and I noticed Steve went to level 14, exactly what I was doing. He of course is faster and kept the RPM's around 100.. me in the 90's and as a result, he was ahead of me on the program and ended up with higher mileage.

The hills were tough.. and I ended up going 9.3 miles in 30 minutes at level 14, Hills! No coasting in this program.. that's what I like about biking outdoors instead of the stationary bike.. a down hill coast is always nice. 

We need to be in training mode to get us ready to go bike outdoors. This is a good test run and now I know that the race bike portion will only take me 30 minutes give or take.. 

The running distance is 2 miles before the biking... 20 minutes tops to run if I go slow.. bike for 10 miles = 30 minutes, then the last run, which is 3 miles, 30 minutes at a slow 10 minute per mile pace.. total time doing a dualthalon would be aprox 1 hour and 20 minutes. I'm sure I could beat that time and would be ready to do one tomorrow. This weekend, I'm going to practice the run, bike, run to see how my legs feel after biking. They did feel a little weird stepping off the bike. I need to see if I experience this Brick foot feeling.. 

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