Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thoughts.. and don't look back!

I received some sad news yesterday from one of my long term customers. Her husband isn't doing so well. No sugar coating it as he might not make it. I have been working with this family for at least 10 years now. She is almost like an adopted mother to me. My heart is heavy and I hope for the best , that he is able to recover. 

I have fleeing thoughts of making contact with my own mother. It's been years since we spoke. I want more then anything to have my mother in my life. I'm just not going there because I know I will regret it the second I attempt to reach out. There is no point. Somethings are better left alone forever. I can not undo the past, I can not predict the future and I certainly don't want to relive the hurt, anger and sadness it has caused me. 
Thankfully, I have running! It has been my therapy and my sane voice, to not look back and keep moving forward. Be in the moment with the people I care about and care about me. This is what truly matters, not digging up past hurts from a mother that does not want to be in my life. I like that saying "if someone truly wants to be in your life, they will make an effort to be there for you". 
I didn't go out and run 10 miles this morning. A quick 3 miles in 30 minutes around the hood. I want to do some biking later on. 

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