Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, September 13, 2015

I don't like the chill down.

I am a warm weather person. I'd take heat over cold any day. Yes, heat and humidity can feel gross, like when we were at the State Fair sitting in our own sweat. Cold just makes me want to stay under the covers or in a blanket all day. I just want to get dressed in a tank top and run out the door and not have to get all bundled up just to run. I'm living in the wrong place!
Minnesota might have nice summers, well bugs included in that.. are not so nice. Winters are far too long and summers too short. I love skiing, but I'd give it up to have summer all year round. 
Woke up far too early this Sunday morning and now I'm waiting for the sun to come up and then warm up too. 53+F is a bit on the chilly side. I know once I start running it will feel good. It's just remembering while I'm freezing the first mile that I'll be sweaty and warm soon enough. 
This summer my running miles have been much lower then in past years. I've taken a lot of vacation rest days. I don't even have the excuse that I've been biking. While I have biked some, its not enough to make up for my lack of running miles. This week it felt like I was starting all over again in my running. Upping the miles.. Here's the break down of my weekly running...
Monday- daily exercises, 6 miles (Trails)
Tuesday - same
Wednesday - worked 
Thursday - daily exercises, 6 miles (Trails)
Friday- same 
Saturday- daily exercises, 5 miles (Trails) plus mowed the lawn.. 
Sunday - ?? 

My ribs are S O R E... I'm guessing it's from trail running all week? Lots of twisting and turning.. and upping the miles running. I could hit 35 miles of running for the week the most I've ran in?? Last time I hit 29 miles was early August. At least being sore I know my muscles are working hard at getting stronger! 
I'm cold.. its back to bed till the sun comes up... 

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