Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Summer like

The temperature will get to the mid 60's today. We haven't had warm weather since October! With that warm air, there will be a lot of wind. 

I went for a run around our neighborhood after working. I usually like to run right away in the mornings but wanted to wait till it warmed up. Today, I'll do the same but maybe run the lakes since I'm sure the snow/ice will be all off the trails. It felt hard running 1.4 miles. Nothing like it use to feel, pretty effortless. My mile time was slower around 10:30 minutes per mile. It took a quick 15 minutes and then I was done. I'm easing back into running slowly since I don't need my foot hurting issue to come back. I did put the heal inserts into my running shoes and I think this will help and going at it slowly and then increasing my miles. 
Even thought running felt tough, it felt good to be outside and running again, foot pain free. 
I found this stop watch outside in our snow bank. It still worked. I have no idea who's it is and how it got outside in our front yard. 

Our hairy monster went to the groomer and she is now all cleaned up. I'll have to take a photo of her today. 
I'm trying to sell our old ceiling fan. So far I've had a few interested but no takers yet. I hope to get rid of it soon since it's on our bedroom floor. 

One large sink, yeah or nay? We are thinking of replacing our divided sink with this one and getting a new faucet. Just not so sure about the drain placement? I'd like one in the center. 
How is dieting going? I'm on Week #10, day #66 and should have hit another big weight goal day. What is my weight loss right now? Projected to be at 22 pounds lost. My waist is down 3.5 inches! 5.4% fat loss. While its taken a while to lose the weight, I'm feeling so much better! But is my weight loss noticeable? 

Sometimes, I feel like I've lost weight and other days it feels like I'm just stuck not losing much. It doesn't help to eat 1000 calories and feel like I'm sticking to my weight loss plan. It's still low, and Tuesday I burned calories running and only ate around 700 calories. I did have a few too many sugar free lemon cough drops. I paid the price last night with my stomach pains. They did have a warning and I now understand. I'll be skipping the drops from now on! My stomach still hurts this morning. 

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