Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Oy It's Spring!

First day of spring, but does it look like it? See, I do wear something other then yoga pants and I let my hair down!
It might be spring, but we still have to wear jackets with temps only in the 40's and mornings a bit chilly around 30! Good news it will warm up to 60 on Saturday with a little sunshine! This calls for sitting out on the deck and getting some much needed sun and Vitamin D! 

Dieting progress, just one day away from hitting day #60 on my diet/fasting. I didn't have the best day for dieting on Tuesday. I woke up feeling hungry. Probably because crab just didn't fill me up the night before. My goal is always to aim for around 500 calories. I should just stay focused on what I did right instead of getting down on 300 extra calories. I start to doubt the diet process and feel like I'm not losing what I should or want and it will take that much longer to get to my goal weight because of my extra calories every day and splurges on the weekends. I'm trying to just not worry about that and move on to the next day, a clean slate. 

 Last night, I made dinner! I don't make dinner that often but now that I only eat one meal a day, suddenly I want to cook! My choice was a copy cat recipe for PF Changes chicken lettuce wraps that I found years ago. It looks nothing like PF changes and I haven't been there in years so I have no idea if it tastes anything like it. I love this recipe and had saved it on my computer. Lucky for me, I made it a few weeks ago and kind of knew the recipe but I always double check. The only problem with making your own food, you have to guess at the calories! 

Here's how you make my lettuce wraps, a good guess at the amounts!

Rice- cook in rice cooker with 1 cup rice to 1.5 cups water. 

Chopped mushrooms 3 packages 
1 large yellow onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic chopped 
Water chestnuts 1 can chopped
2 large chicken breasts
Bib lettuce 
Rice noodles (just because for the crunch) 
Carrots, pre-cut sticks

Cooking sauce to add to chicken and veggies
6 Tbsp brown sugar
6 Tbsp Soy sauce 

Pour that over your veggies cooking and in a separate pan cook chicken with sesame oil and the sauce. 

Cook until all liquids in the mushroom/onion mixture are almost gone. 

Cook chicken until almost done, cut up into small chunks, return to pan and cook until done or juices reduced in pan. 

The juice to put on your rice, mush/onion/chicken

1 tbsp ketchup, 
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp hot mustard
1 tsp to 1 tbsp garlic/ pepper (found in the global area)
Mix all together and add carrot sticks on top for crunch and flavor. 

This truly is the best Chicken lettuce wraps! 

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