Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, March 25, 2016

Vacation Envy.

Okay.. So the lets have a Stay vacation for spring break isn't all that fun. It was a working kind of week and then of course hearing about all the great places people are traveling to, mostly warm, beaches and sun shine. I'd like some of that too! 
Instead of warm and white sand beaches, we got a foot of snow on the beaches and some 40+f temps, but yes, we do have sun shine, or partly cloudy days. 
Thursday I skied, today I worked, came home and cleaned our house. I'm a bit exhausted and don't have the energy to run or bike right at the moment. I'll regret that come Saturday when we are expecting rain all day long. I have a back up for that! In stead of running, biking or driving to the gym, I'm going to be burning calories painting. I have yet to decide the room. 1/2 bathroom, mud room/laundry and hall closet, or Logan's room. They all need to be painted. I'm just not sure where to start? I'm thinking mud room hall since there isn't much to paint and not a lot to move out of the way. It's a bad color back there anyway and I'd like to paint it in the trendy gray. 
I forced myself to try a new hair style. I purchased a new large curling iron along with new hot curlers. I'm always wearing my hair with a side part and I thought why not try a center part. I'm not sure I'm a center part person just yet. Plus, this curling hair takes up more time then I like. It's good to try something new and who knows, I might just start to fix my hair more often. 

I asked Steve how he like my hair this way. His text back " did you color your hair?", I was just looking for a yes, it looks good or no, it's not you. Ugh.. Men! 
New flat shoes. I don't really like them but I wanted something to wear besides my gray slip on tennis shoes this spring. 

Zoey likes my rugs. This is why we moved all the rugs till she is 100% potty trained. I did buy some small rugs we could put down at the doors and still easily wash if she has any accidents. Instead of accidents, I have to worry about her chewing the rugs up. Seems she would rather tare them apart then pee on them. We have made one day of no accident progress. One down many more to go! We are getting there with the potty training!
The kids and I were on our own for dinner last night. I didn't pre-plan ahead so we ate some Chinese takeout. I had some left overs for lunch. Well, it was a lot of veggies, chicken and some noodles. I should have skipped the cream cheese wontons. It's all balance right? 
Time to do some power napping. I'm exhausted. 

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