Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I try pretty hard to figure out my week before the week starts. I want to know exactly what days are busy work days and activity days. Plus, I don't want to forget any appointments or bills that need to be paid. It's a great way to get me to check some things off my todo list each day too. Of course, I'm good at just carrying over my todo list to the next week when I don't want to do it.

What I don't plan is my workout. I just have a workout spot to be checked off. I leave that flexible to be able to run, bike, ski, swim or do whatever as long as I get in at least 30 to 1+ hours of cardio. This morning, I took my run to the park to run around my favorite two lakes. I sure could mix it up more and run different trails to go deeper into the woods. like I do when cross country skiing. I just like sticking close to a bathroom and my car where I can grab water. I do need to go back to running my 4 mile dirt road route. Its extremely hilly so I'll save it for a weekend when its at least 50 outside. Two years ago, I ran this route every day two times to get in 8 miles of running. Now, I'm just happy my feet last 6 miles. 
I'm no longer obsessed with running exactly 6 miles. I'll stop at 5.88 miles no problem. I've already been running over an hour at this point and I'm fine with having an odd number. 
Some of the neighborhood kids came over yesterday and one little boy asked "how do you like having a dog?". What's not to like, just look at that face. It would be easier without a dog. My house wouldn't have baby gates up all over, I wouldn't have to block off our porch carpeted room. I wouldn't have to pick up Zoey every time someone opens the door. I would have my rugs down and not all rolled up. Not to mention all the dog poop to pick up and the holes she's dug out front, the fence we need to install, vet trips etc.. I'm okay with life being a little all over the place right now. The puppy phase will not last and I can trust her not to pee in my house. 
Getting back to planning. I even have to plan to wash  my hair and curl it. I might wash my hair but I'd never curl it if I didn't have it on my todo list. I'll save it for Friday and Saturday nights. Far too much work to fix my hair every day. 
I planned to clean my house, and then go for an afternoon bike ride. It's going to be in the 60's today and I plan to take full advantage. Lets just hope Steve wants to bike, since he wants to take the afternoon off from work. 

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