Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spring ahead, where did that hour go?

Cheers to springing ahead. Time to turn the clocks a head one hour. Where does that hour go? 
Saturday night was all about drinking wine and watching our favorite band, Ashes for April at the Cannon Falls Winery. We are getting to be groupies that follow this band, every time they play in Cannon Falls. 
2 out of the five guys in the band. We had great next to the band seats. Met some nice people that shared their table with us. We talked during the band break and they bike all the time on the Cannon Falls River Path. I told them about the Dualthaon in April and it sounds like they are going to sign up to do it too. 
Like always, every time we go to Cannon Falls, we must eat at Kings. The best burger place! So many to choose from but I always go with the bacon, lettuce, onion, cheddar cheese burger. Some day I might branch out and try another burger. 
We had another one of those perfect 70*F Saturdays. Nice weather, and time to go for a walk by the Mississippi river in Hastings. 
Zoey got a ton of attention from every person that passed by. Who can resist a puppy? 
We have no idea why these basket things were hung all over the trees? Looked like huge bird nests. 
I was super tired after running 6 trail miles and then biking 9 miles on my mountain bike on the dirt roads. Time for a little nap in the sun with Zoey. 
I found my perfect workout to build up to running a half marathon. Keep running the trails to prevent calf pain, Bike 9 to 14 miles after for another hour of cardio. This will help build up my endurance to keep going when I'm tired.  Plus it gives my feet a rest because they still start to hurt after 6 miles. I can slowly add more miles with both biking and running. 
I really did not want Saturday to end. It was the perfect day to be outside. 

Time to get moving. We lost and hour and I have a lot to do this Sunday. 

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