Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, June 5, 2015

Who knew I could keep this pace up!

I was pretty crabby this morning and knew I needed to run to feel normal. It's funny how running makes everything better. That's just what happens when I don't get in my 6 miles every day. Biking just doesn't help my mood like running. 

I was happy with my mile times. 
Mile 1 = 9:06
Mile 2 = 9:02
Mile 3 = 8:30
Mile 4 = 8:49
Mile 5 = 8:45
Mile 6 (.70)= 8:20

I run a 1.4 mile loop around our neighborhood, going up one big hill and a few smaller rolling hills. I took a total of 4 minutes of rest to get water between each of my 3 rests breaks before starting on my next loop. I run this loop 4x's. I'm usually looking at 10:00 - 10:30 minute miles, so seeing 9's and 8's made me pretty happy. The nice part is that I was working hard, but not killing myself doing the faster times. 
It's soccer night.. or weekend... lots and lots of soccer!

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