Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday Random-ness

Do you ever see a Turkey with Babies? We did for the first time last night. How cute is that! 
Don't ever under estimate a turkeys speed! They are fast and can run 25mph and fly 55mph. Now that's fast! 
Mornings go by way too fast. I get up extra early just to have a lot of time to stretch and do my daily exercises. I still don't have enough time. If only my day could start at noon. Instead I need to leave for work shortly after 9am or I won't finish up in the early afternoon. I'd rather have some afternoon down time. I've been napping a lot, every afternoon for at least and hour or more. I'm restless all night long and never get a good night sleep so naps are pretty important. I just wish I could have afternoon energy to get something around the house done or want to run or bike. I give in to being tired and nap instead. Which is better then eating when I'm tired. 
I've been eating too much bread. While bread isn't all that bad, I reach for the white stuff in the afternoon and evening. I should be eating more veggies and fruit. I'm going to save my bread for mornings and replace my afternoon and evening bread with veggies or fruit to see if that helps keep my diet under control. It might not lead to weight loss, but I'll feel better for not eating the white bread. 
My running plan is to just run... don't worry about pace. Just go for an hour, or 6 miles. I'm still in the mode where I am not bored with my favorite running routes. Soon, I'll be wanting to mix it up and maybe start running 8 miles again. 

I also need to figure out some running goals. My lack joy in running is mostly because I don't have any set goals other the to keep running. 
1. I need to find a long distance race
2. I need to find a 1, 2 or 3 mile race
3. I need to start swimming and biking more. look into doing a tri this summer! 
4. Just start enjoying running and taking the time to do that without worrying about my busy work schedule and feeling tired. 

Figure out why I'm so tired all the time. This napping has to stop and I need to start sleeping better at night. 

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