Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, June 12, 2015

Make Small Changes

I've been trying to make small changes that will stick. Yesterday, I ran in the rain. Now that's a change from a fair weather runner. Eating healthy one meal at a time, one snack and beat myself up less for slip ups. Adding in some exercises or just doing the same thing because you don't always have to keep making changes to what is working. Too many changes, too quickly can lead to over doing it. 
I'm trying to concentrate on what I'm doing right then what I need to change all the time. 
Doing cardio/Running/biking/cross ramp/x-skiing etc 5 to 7 times a week is not going to change. I sometimes need rest days and other weeks none at all. It's working so no need to change this. 

I do need to change my snacking. Making healthy changes little by little. I'm never going to entirely eliminate all my favorites, like cake, cookies, candy and ice cream but maybe I'll want to eat fruit more then the junk? If I can just switch out one bad choice for a good food choice, I've made one small change a day. 
I am realizing that I need to add back in weight training daily. It has to be more then my 14 minutes of floor exercises to build muscle. Not a huge amount of time, just to do a little more each day. 
Spending less time relaxing all afternoon. Lets face it, I'm tired after running in the morning then working. I need some down time, but not 8 hours of it. I'm taking baby steps and will cut out 2 hours of my down time to moving more. We all need recovery time but I'm getting far too much and just being plain lazy. 
Less internet time... It's sucking up my day and not in a good way. There is only so much news I need to read. 

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