Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Two times in a row!

I like mixing up my workout with cross country skiing. Its been really nice waiting till afternoon to go get in my daily cardio workout. I still do my morning stretch and other daily exercises right away because if I don't do it in the early morning.. it probably wont happen. . Of course I'm dead tired now.. and will be working out first thing Monday morning inside the gym. That's why I had to really appreciate the outdoor cross country skiing the last two days. 
Its nice getting some fresh air and being outside skiing. 

It felt like a hard pace but when you compare to my running pace.. it's very slow. I could have done some speed walking instead of skiing to maintain this pace. 
Walking just isn't as fun, I'll stick to skiing. 

Time to start yet another fitness journal. I've been keeping track of my fitness and food intake since 2011. My very first entry was on 12/28/11! I was hoping to make it 3 more days in this journal before switching to my new one for 2015, but I'm out of pages.
I'm still figuring out my new Fitbit. Today I even received two badges for meeting my walking goals of over 10,000 steps and climbing up 32 or more stairs.

Tonight, I want to try the Fitbit sleep mode. Now that I know how to work the sleep mode for night time.. I'll be sure to set the fitbit to sleep and see just how much I'm awake at night. 

This Christmas week was not a great workout week. My lowest running of just 4.5 miles.  
10 miles cross country skiing
14+ work hours cleaning vigorously
6 days of planks (6 minutes total) and 6 days of my other exercises
7 days of Yoga/Stretching. 

I took Monday as a 100% rest day of working out since I had  my longest work day of 5+ hours. That tires me out enough!

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