Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Back in time

Back in 1996 Steve, Kendra and I all were in Paris France in July. 

My only photo in front of Notre- Dame. Some creepy guy photo bombed on the left. Steve and Kendra (Kendra behind the pole). It was under construction then and so we never went inside. So sad to see it on fire burning last night. 

 It's going to be a 65+ day in MN!! I'm going to be inside all afternoon at the dentist. Poor planning for such a nice day to have to spend it inside. I do plan on running this morning and hopefully, I'll be biking after my dental appointment. I have a sensitive molar on my right side and need to get that checked out. I've been waiting so I can get a tooth cleaning at the same time. I hope its just a cavity and not a dying tooth! 

Back at losing weight Monday and staying under 1000 calories for the day. I ate around 900 because I had beef tenderloin, sweet potato, coleslaw and cheese with a little french bread. Delicious dinner! Plus, popcorn for a snack. I really do need an afternoon light/low calorie snack to tide me over for dinner. We didn't eat till 6:30pm. Far too long to wait for my only meal! 
Down to 157/158 pounds. I want to get to 145 as my goal weight! I actually did weight myself last week on Thursday or was it Friday? I was exactly 159! So I'm well on my way to getting to my goal weight for summer and beyond!

1 comment:

  1. The creepy Paris photo bomber made me laugh. lol You are looking so fabulous!
