Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Not always seeing Quick Results

I am wanting quick diet results. To drop pound after pound quickly. While I have lost weight, it doesn't feel like I see new results of all my efforts. I wake up every day thinking my arms will look thinner and all the stomach fat will be gone. It's happening, just at a slower pace then I'd like. I'm on day 17!!! I have to celebrate each day I am able to stick with my dieting and weight loss plan. I've not only been dieting but I added back in my exercise, biking and running. More I do to burn calories the better and faster I'll start seeing results. Its just a fine line between doing enough and not too much to burn out or get overly hungry I go off the deep end and give up.

I'm not sure what I got all over my shirt, Zoey's dirty paws? Probably!

I had a super busy work day but I still managed to get out and bike eight miles on the easy dirt road route. I shouldn't say easy because it feels like a good workout right now. I'm slowly building back up my biking fitness and will soon be riding my 10+ mile on the hilly dirt road route once again. I'm just not up to that and dieting right now.

I have an easy Tuesday for working but I have after work plans. I'm getting that dieting reward today. Looking for something new to wear for summer and maybe getting those new sandals I've been looking at. Since it's raining, I'm not going running right now. I'll probably go to the gym later on and bike and lift a few weights late in the afternoon. I also have a movie on my todo list. It's only $5 on Tuesdays so I might as well spend a Rainey afternoon watching a movie.

What else am I doing to speed up weight loss? Napping, drinking lots of water and trying to move as much as I can without over doing it. Plus, staying out of the kitchen! Doing more yoga and just being mindful of what I'm eating. I've also been making lots of soups from a dry mix. Its been my go to meals for sticking with my 500 calories or less for the day.

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