Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring Running..

Spring running... It feels great to be able to run outside even if the temps are still a bit chilly (30's).  People walking by always comment how they are bundled up and I'm running in a tank top. 

 I would like to figure out my Garmin 610. If anyone knows how to get it to show my miles pace for my split, please let me know. I'm clueless! 

I run 4 loops 1.42 miles around our neighborhood. Each time I sprint down the hill, run inside to drink some water, shed some layers and run back out to  do another loop. Each loop Steve thought I was getting faster. Actually, a 9 something minute miles weren't too bad. I was just running an easy pace but not super easy since I have 4 big hills for each loop. I still need to work on my sprint pace. I can't seem to run faster then 7 minute or a 6:30 minute mile sprinting. How do some people run miles after mile running 6 minute miles? My lungs hurt just thinking about it. 

When ever my workouts get a little tough, usually running up hills. I just think about people I know that can't run at all and those that can hardly walk. This gives me the push I need. I want to be able to keep my mobility as I age. 

I'm going to start working on my distance. Usually, by mile 5 and definitely by mile 6, my feet are starting to hurt. Band-aids are a runner friend. It's usually my toes and top of my foot where shoe rubbing occurs. I am known to go through boxes of Band aids. It's on my favorite list. 
Lemon cookies are always on my Love it list! Probably one of all time favorites! Anything lemon! 

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