Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, April 11, 2016

Some kind of bug

I must have picked up some kind of bug over the weekend. Sunday all of a sudden I was achy all over my body. The kind of achy where my skin hurt and it took tremendous effort just walking. I took Advil and didn't get any pain relief. I just kept waiting for it  to kick in so I would start feeling more normal. Nope, never happened and I hope to kick this bug soon. I was hoping at first it was just muscle soreness from running and biking in the morning. This was beyond soreness from any normal amount of running/biking. I also could tell that I wasn't feeling the run or biking and was just feeling a bit off in the morning. Obviously the full what ever I picked up, sickness had not full got me until later on Sunday. I hate being or feeling sick! It's the worst. 
What's even more strange, I don't have a fever. I have all the symptoms of having a fever, chills, achy and just run down tired. I do hope this passes ASAP and I get back to feeling good sooner then later. It's a 100% rest day for me and a day to load up on Advil to kick this bug! 
I started feeling not so well around 1pm on Sunday. I could tell something was not right. It was my normal nap time so I was thinking, just sore from my run/biking and tired as usual in the afternoon. I some how managed to get out of bed, and make this cake for my mother-in-law. I wanted to copy the white chocolate-raspberry cake, with cream cheese frosting bunt cake, like Nothing but the Bunt cake. It didn't exactly turn out the same. I didn't swirl the raspberry into the cake and it all fell at the bottom of the pan, which is the top of the cake. I also forgot to make it white chocolate and just made a white cake. My cake was not as moist either but still good! The frosting turned out delicious, and I just used vanilla with a lot of cream cheese, butter and confectioners sugar. Walmart supplied the 75 cent fake flowers to decorate the cake. Orange is her favorite color so I made sure to pick up orange flowers. 
Happy Birthday Claudette. She requested a cake for her friend. Chocolate/chocolate. I'll wait till I feel better for the next cake. 
This is how I'm going to spend my Monday. Curled up next to Zoey. Drinking water, sleeping and trying to get healthy. This is not how I want to spend my Monday morning. I have to rest up because the kids have a dentist appointment this afternoon and Celina has a band concert tonight. Maybe I can get Steve to take care of the kids stuff today and I can just lay around? 

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