Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Struggle today, will there be a reward tomorrow?

Each new day is a fresh start. If I struggle with diet and exercise, I just want to think there will be a reward for my efforts tomorrow. 
If I fail to make my goals.. I can start fresh the next day. That's exactly what I'm doing today! Starting fresh with my diet. I had a snack fail last night. I made a couple of poor food choices. I came home hungry from work and Steve brought home freshly made crepes. It wasn't the before dinner snack I should have been eating. I limited myself to 2 small crepes and spread the jelly very thin. A semi win for not having more and keeping the jelly to just enough. I had a healthy dinner of just rice with loads of spicy salsa.. only to have a few corn chips with salsa and to top that off.. came home from shopping later on only to eat directly from the box of Ancient Grain Cheerios. Unlimited portions, but not a horrible food choice like the scoop of ice cream I decided to eat in the afternoon. I was well over my calories for the day, but today I start fresh once again on my healthy eating.  
My morning stretch gives me time to think about my fresh new day. I want to be able to feel the rewards of my diet efforts and not failures. I consider most of the day a win, since I had 3 healthy low calorie meals.. I just let my snacks get me off track. 
Exercise is the easy part for me. I've made it a habit that I don't want to live without. I might struggle with my running on more then a few occasions, but that too passes. I get the rewards of keeping weight off and feeling capable of doing anything I want. Running gives me that reward of being able to do anything I choose. 
Yes.. there is a reward tomorrow.. I can say I kept going and that's a good enough reward. To not give up over a few bad running days or a few poor food choices. 

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