Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, February 27, 2015

I'm not getting better...

Nope, not well.. I'm still sick. I keep hoping I'll wake up feeling great, not worse. My plan is to spend the morning on the couch and finish off my day... on the couch. Good thing I have books to read, thanks to Celina's birthday gifts. I will read pretty much anything new, just to have something to read at night. It's the best way to relax so I will fall asleep fast. Otherwise, I'd be staying up late watching TV. 
Since I wasn't feeling well last night and Steve was out. I asked Logan to make dinner. He really wants to take cooking classes. I put out everything for him to make chicken tacos and he went to work with the help of Celina. Celina made the guacamole, while Logan cut up the peppers and onions then cooked the chicken. It turned out delicious. I'm not a cook and this was a great plan for me to get out of making dinner. Plus, no one wants the sick person in the house making dinner. 

We are suppose to warm up to the 20's this weekend. I'm really hoping I'll feel better by Saturday morning so I can get out and do a little skiing. I'm getting tired of being suck inside for my workout. I need the fresh air with out the freeze. 

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