Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A much better run at the gym.

Since yesterday at the gym made me sad (see post from yesterday).. I took some time to think about a good solution to my "exclusion". For the most part, I do get over things fast and try to forget asap, a much needed learned behavior. I made up my mind to go seek out new or old-new people to talk to during my workout. Not every day I like to chit chat, so its okay if I just do cardo and don't talk with anyone. Those same women who excluded me are right on schedule showing up at the same time, but I didn't change my workout time just to avoid them. Instead, I avoided looking at them.. (they were too busy talking anyway). I just went directly to the treadmill to run. Lucky for me...After 20 minutes the women who had excluded me yesterday left the gym and I could go run on the cross ramp. After 20 minutes or 2 miles on the treadmill it was enough. I knew it would make me angry to be next to those women on the cross ramp and I was not going to make any small talk. It was best to avoid and ignore. As luck would have it, I ended up talking the entire time to other people I know at the gym. There is always some one to talk to if you want... and I needed a good distraction for the hour I ran. 8 miles today.. and I feel great! 
It really is best to not let others get under your skin. There are bigger world problems out there then anything that happens in the gym when socializing. 

Yes, its hard not to take it personal when your excluded. I take it a little too hard just because I've dealt with family excluding and ignoring me.. which hurts more then anyone ever can repair. 

The gym is where I go to run off my problems, not create them. I don't want it to be a place where I feel hurt and sad. I need it to be my feel good, happy place. I'm trying not to over think the whole situation yesterday and even realize that I am overly sensitive which they have no idea. It's my problem and how can anyone else know. I can decide how I'll react or not.. a good lesson I learned when my family turned their backs on me. While it hurt and still hurts, I figured out a way to cope.. and never look back. I don't give any of my time or effort into something or anyone that is not a positive force in my life. I don't have time or the desire to let more hurt into my life. Time to move on.. and let go once again. 
Happy Run Sunday!

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