Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hump Day... finding muscles!

Hello mid week.. Did you see these new potato chips? 
I'm usually more of a cake, cookie and pretzel person.. but I am really wanting to try the cheesy Garlic Bread chip and even the mac and cheese chips sound really good. Not too sure about cappuccino but it seems they are a good seller as they were sold out in one location. My plan of attack is to try one of everything. We also sampled some other new flavors of chips which I didn't care for (wasabi ginger & buffalo cheddar & mango salsa flavored chips). 
A little salty-goodness in your diet is fine. I sweat up a ton when running and must be losing salt in my body like crazy.. sometimes it just what I need, a little salty treat. I'm trying to remember one will taste just as good as a whole handful. I don't need to help finish the bag of chips. 
Working on my arms.. can you see any difference? The main reason I don't see any or much change in my body (muscles, hello where are you?).. from planking every day, running, biking is just simply I need to drop some pounds. They will magically pop out! I know they are in there.. and just waiting till the day to show themselves. It will just require me to go back to the basics.. back to the beginning of this new healthy and fit journey. I need to focus on my diet, eating less and making better choices. Plus, limiting my food selection while still not giving up flavor. I'm going to have to pass on cake, ice cream and any foods that are not going to take me to my next goal. Seeing my muscles! That's right.. Its time to make another small change for a big impact. I've got this working out every day thing down. I just need the weight loss part and then its back to maintain. 

Its now all about finding my muscles, through weight loss. This is the true challenge! I did it before and I will do it again! 

Breakfast is never a challenge to stay on track and 80% of the time lunch I make good choices but then after... I take a turn for the worst. Poor choices and laziness of sticking with healthy foods takes  over in the afternoons and evening. 

I was telling Celina why its important to eat breakfast every day. Back when I was a kid in the 70's & early 80's, I didn't really think much about eating during the day. I was always too nervous about my day to even think of eating food. There wasn't all this information on how important it was to fuel your body and brain. I'd go to school without breakfast, not eat lunch and then go to swim practice or we'd have a swim meet where I'd have to race without eating or drinking. Not a smart plan. I'd spend the moment I got home in the late afternoon/evening eating snacks (small dinner since I didn't like real foods) until I went to bed. I did this from age 10 to 18.. and never really ate breakfast unless it was the weekend up until a few years ago. Now I'm a daily breakfast eater. 

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