Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

1 week to go! Did you VOTE?

 Just 7 days away from Election Day! I want it over, but I'm also scared. I just am really praying that Joe Wins! 

We made a trip to Sams club and stocked up on sugar, flour and olive oil with a few other things. At least I know if there is a shortage on baking supplies again this winter, I will be ready! Maybe today I'll make more crackers! 

Remember that mess of a back hall, all the shoes and coats? Its all cleaned up! I finally made myself organize it and in the process put some of the towels and stuff we had piled on the washer away too. Now to tackle the basement storage room. Steve needs room for all his work stuff that can't freeze over the winter. He also needs to put in a sink down there so he has a place to wash his paint stuff etc. Time to purge and it sounds like a good afternoon to do just that. Lets hope I stay motivated after working this morning! 

I laid out the new flooring sections in front of our porch. I have one more flooring I want to check out that's sightly lighter in color and more gray (weathered oak). I wanted to stay away from oak, or at least super golden oak! We really need a new couch. Zoey is so hard on the furniture. She like to bark at the squirrels from the end of the couch. It's all scratched up on that end. Guess that's what you can expect, when you don't purchase higher-end couches! I'm sure once the floor goes in, I'll want a new couch asap! 
I felt sooo good on our run yesterday morning, I sprinted the last 1/2 mile. Steve said I just kept pulling farther and farther away from him. I just felt so good which is the first time in a long time. We are skipping the morning run because it's 17 degrees out this morning. I'd rather wait till it's 30*F even though  that's still cold and I'm more of a morning person. 

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