Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, April 20, 2020

There goes more money!

It's bill paying day without income. Yeah, that's fun, NOT! Good thing it wasn't much money. I had planned to pay off my new laptop by June and now, I'm making the minimum payment. Something I didn't think I'd ever do. I'm hoping the next round of small business loans will come through or self employed unemployment money. Something to help us out when we are unable to work! More bigger bills are due this week, our utilities, and cell phone.  Something we need to keep going. We have the money right now, but not if this lasts for months and months. The future is so uncertain and I'm at a loss as to what to do. I hate sitting round not being able to do anything about our situation. Just a wait and see and don't think to far ahead. One day at a time, one hour, one minute, one second. Time is ticking.
We are back to Monday. Steve is still finishing up on Kendra's house. He has to install a new microwave and finish some trim, hang curtains and I think that's it. He does have a new customer estimate today, so that's a little bit of work. Plus, he has his brother's house, two showers to install and another room in his parents house to re-do.  I just need to figure out what I can do?

After, my bill paying this morning. I have 1 client at 10am. A tiny bit of work for the day. I also want to make some Kettle Popcorn. Maybe go for a run before it rains today from 1 to 5pm?

Last night, I made a ham from Easter. We have plenty of leftovers, so that's what's for dinner tonight and probably tomorrow too.

I need to go to the store again or figure out the online pick up. I got my order and then the credit card info would not take. Ugh!!! I probably should try doing it from my computer instead of my phone. Just annoying why it won't work!!!!  I could have done curb side pick up yesterday!

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