Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

All about Tuesday and moving on today!

It was such a nice afternoon Tuesday. The sun finally came out around 2pm and it really warmed up to almost 70! We decided to go for a drive to the river. We found a not crowed place to sit, drink some beers in styrofoam cups and eat some crackers. We were going to play cribbage but instead just watched the geese. 

Steve kept throwing some crackers to the geese so they ended up getting pretty close to us. 

 The birds were a nice distraction. On the other side, of the flooded park, we saw families walk through the water to go fishing. I'm sure the water was pretty chilly since the ice just came off a few weeks ago.

Must have been 4 cars of some friends or family all in the parking lot in their SUV's, sitting 6 feet away from each other. They all had the trucks open and were eating, drinking etc..

The kids made bread using Logan's recipe, but added in one cup of my sour dough starter for 1 TBSP of yeast. It made three big loaves and we all ate one yesterday! It didn't have much sour dough flavor, only on day 7 of making it. Probably takes weeks for the flavor if not years? It was still really good and one of the best so far. 

I had to run to the store for more food yesterday. We were out of Milk and almost out of almond milk. I decided since I had to go in, might as well stock up on a few more items. We almost used up a whole 25 pound bag of flour so I picked up two more small bags of flour. We are now out of crackers since we ate them all up yesterday while at the river. I'm going to try making my own crackers today. I'm also going to make some kettle popcorn. 

Today, is suppose to be a high of 55 and cloudy. We don't have much planned for today. I'm holding off applying for a MN small business loan. There is aways a catch. This one you have to start paying back in 6 moths. Up to 5 year to repay, the only plus is that it's 0% interest. I'm just not sure how we will make payments if we aren't working in 6 months? Will we be able to work in 6 months? We will have to use the loan money to pay the loan. ugh!!! Its like running in circles. Thankfully, we don't need a loan yet, but we will if this continues! I try not to think about it. 

Do you check your states numbers every day and death counts? I do. One good thing about being in MN, our numbers are still low. That could mostly be due to no testing but the death and hospital numbers are more telling and that too is low. I hope it stays there or gets to be less soon! 

My positives for the day are:
We are all healthy
We are together
We have food and a roof over our heads
We have each other
The most important things we have right now. 

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