Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I've been a bit oh hum about my fitness lately.

It's been two hundred and thirty four weeks of tracking my exercise, and what I eat. I might  be in a bit of a slump. Could I just be bored with my daily exercises, with running, biking and over all fitness. I'm just feeling a bit ho, hum with the whole idea of keeping going. I hope this passes because I can not quit. While I'm not making progress on losing weight, I don't want to lose my fitness too. I suppose my ho hum-ness comes from the fact that I truly do want to lose weight so it all seems worth it to continue. I struggle with the weight I've gained back and the weight I can't seem to lose. I know it's a mind game and while I'm in it sometimes, I'm not fully comitted to sticking with losing weight all day long. 
I'm not sure why I keep giving up on weight loss every single day. It's on my mind all the time. I feel like I'm losing my will power to keep working out each day along with my failed diet plan. I looked back at some old workout books and I'd easily run or workout 7 days a week putting in 42 or more miles. I'm lucky to make it to 20 miles of running and I skip at least one if not more days a week. 
I try to get excited about new running shoes but that's short lived. In the beginning when running was new, I made so much progress and loved learning everything about running. Now that I've been doing this for 5+ years, it's gotten...well, not so new and exciting. Its probably time to switch things up again because I'm finding myself going the same running routes, same distance and doing the same types of exercises over and over. Variety is my friend and what keeps me going. Or at least it should, right? 
My feet are really making my whole running difficult. I just want them to feel good. Is that too much to ask? I should do more biking since that would ease up on my feet issues. I just need to sit down and write out some new goals to get me happy about my workout plan. 
Oh our puppy Zoey is 7 months old today. Looking back at the first few months we had our puppy... I'm not sure how I got through it. It was a lot like having a new born baby. She is turning out to be a well behaved dog. She stilljumps up on people when she's excited.  She also needs to work on walking and not pulling when we go for a walk. She is still not allowed to go into the front room. I think it's time to move the furniture back because she is not having accidents in the house. We've come a long way these past seven months. 
Is it the weekend yet? Days after vacation are always the toughest. I have a busy work week and Friday can't come soon enough. 

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