Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Running is so much better on a road called "... Run Road".

This is one of my favorite road to run on.. I love seeing that I'm running on Run Road. 
I wish it was a great running day but I had one of those it feels really, really hard to move today runs. Not the best kind but I pushed on hoping that feeling would go away. 
As you can see my mile times were pretty slow today. Even at a 10 something mile pace it felt hard. I just wanted to walk.. but I kept running because I'd get to my destination a lot quicker running a slow pace then a walking pace. 
The whole time running I kept thinking about biking after my run. I really wanted to feel like going for a 14 mile bike ride. When I got home after running 7 miles and lifting weights for 30 minutes.. I didn't feel like doing any thing more then lay on the couch. I have a feeling this is when I should try and push through to make myself stronger. I read all the time about other runners pushing through a really tough workout and it makes them feel really strong after.. like they know they can do anything hard. Would I feel like this too if I got off the couch and did my bike ride? I'll never know unless I try!
Okay.. its a deal.. I'm off to bike. Not sure where I'm going or how many miles I'll go. I just want to get out there and bike like I wanted to yesterday and this morning. 

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