Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hills and Easy Speed

What a beautiful morning. I do love mornings.. listening to the birds and seeing the sun rise for the day, I try to take it all in. This is truly the best way to start the day.. going for a run in the country and feeling fit strong. 
I have another busy work day that's physically demanding. I try not to think about how busy my day will be and how much it takes out of me, but today I must plan ahead. I have to cut into my workout time this morning, as I need to get an earlier start. I did wake up early so I'd have that hour I need to wake up, stretch- yoga and do my planks: bent arms 2:30, straight arms 2:30, superman 2:30, 50 squats, and 30 lunges. After all that..I'm warmed up and ready to go run. 
I decided to just run 4 miles today. Work on hills with a semi easy speed. I say semi because my goal was to keep each mile under 10 minutes. I do like to do this route leisurely.. 
Another Goal Accomplished! I trick myself to pick up the pace on the first mile because my body isn't really read to run so I try to run fast to a mail box, or tree and cracks on the road. Before you know it.. the first mile is done. Mile 2 was slower but it's all pretty much up hill.. not a steep hill but an incline.. Mile 3 is the big, big hills but on the other side it's all down... to pick up the pace.. and then the home stretch. I know the end is near so I try to run faster and go as fast as I can when I turn the corner and have only a short distance to the house.. That's all I have time to run this morning.. 
I failed on my Healthy eating yesterday in every meal including snacks. It started off with Chocolate Chip Cookie dough.. Today, is a clean slate... I start fresh and every meal I give myself a happy or sad face depending on if I stuck to healthy eating. My goal is to have mostly happy faces. Right now.. I'm about 50/50... happy/sad face.
Remember my plan to bike while the kids played soccer? Didn't happen. I looked at my biking shirt and realized I never washed it from the last time we rode through all that mud. It was covered with mud chunks all over the back of the shirt. Guess I need to do some washing. That wasn't the only reason I didn't bike... Just plain needed a rest.. busy work day too. That hour long afternoon nap wasn't enough.. My saying.. if you don't succeed yesterday.. try, try again today. I'll be biking up to the bank this afternoon. An Easy 7 miles and maybe more if I'm up to it. I just need to remember to get right into bike clothes so I'm ready to ride. No excuse!
Are you a morning person or night? 

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