Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, July 18, 2014

Nothing like waking up with a headache...

Waking up with a headache today and have no idea of why? Yoga and relaxing for 30 minutes on the floor with my eyes closed didn't even do the trick to get rid of it. Maybe I'll need to find some Excedrin? That's usually my last resort to take any thing...
More.. yes more soccer all day. Well, its all day if Logan's team wins this mornings game. Will I be sad if they lose? Probably not because spending 4 hours waiting till the next game doesn't sound like a fun way to spend my day. It's too far to drive home so we are stuck way up in Blaine. 
I will enjoy the nice day outside.. Yesterday Logan's team played a team from Colombia. How cool is that? They won 4 to 3 and Logan scored 2 goals.. 
I won't have time to run, bike or go to the gym this morning. I did do my morning yoga and planks. I do some other ab exercises where you lay on your back, arms out the the side and roll your legs back and forth to the right and left side slowly. I do this at least 10 times.. just because its a good twist for my back and works my abs too. 

Hello Friday morning! 

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