Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I can wait to run...

I sure do drag my feet when it comes to getting out the door to run. I use to be, get up and go.. now I'm in this mode where I do everything I can think of before stepping out the door to go run. 
I'm trying to get excited about going for a run.. It just hasn't been happening lately. I still feel great after a good sweat, so I'm not throwing in the running towel. I just keep going and I'm not listening to my mind that says.. why bother? 
I need to cleanup my diet. That's the number one reason I'm having trouble finding motivation to keep going with my running and fitness. I feel so good and then feel so awful when I eat all this crap. I just can't seem to get this eating under control. I want to go back to my old habits and that just isn't going to keep me in a good healthy place. I keep telling myself, at least I'm still running and doing my daily exercises. Don't give that up! One meal, one choice at a time. So what if I made a bad decision or two or three with food. I have the choice to get back on track the next time I eat.

Now that my half marathon is behind me, I should probably look into more racing goals. What's next? TBD........

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