Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Extra, Extra Napping.

I had one of those Mondays.. I was super tired all day long. I ended up taking a 2 hour afternoon nap and slept great last night too!
I'm struggling with running motivation this morning. I sure got up early enough but I just want to skip running. My pinky toe is sore still from the half marathon. Its actually painfully sore where it hurts just to touch it. Running shoes are sure to gravitate it further. Maybe skipping my run today would be a good thing for my little toe? Or is it just an excuse to be lazy this morning? I hate it when I can't seem to want to motivate myself. 
This morning while stretching and doing my daily exercises, I came across an article that suggested taking a photo of everything you eat. I do take photos of what I eat but probably don't take everything I put in my mouth. I need to try this. Maybe it will stop me from eating the crap and make healthy choices. Bad habits are sure hard to break. I love how all those articles suggest you can lose 30 pounds just without trying. Please, you have to try or weight just doesn't come off. 

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