Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Learning new tricks

 Seems some of us are resistant to making shopping changes. I've been trying to do more online shopping for food and pick it up curb side. Steve is resistant to doing this since he loves to shop for food in the store. It's just not smart for us to expose ourselves in stores and to make multiple trips every week. I'm trying to get him to love shopping on line, where he can look at all kinds of food, for hours if he should choose. Slowly, I am making progress! 

Restaurants are now closed for 4 weeks, take out only. I think the governor should have closed them down Thursday instead of waiting for Friday at 10pm, because they all did some kind of 2 for 1 deals to get all kinds of people to come in and catch their Covid before T-day. Not us or anyone I know, but plenty of deniers are probably all lined up. 

My mornings have not changed for years now but I did add somethings to my morning todo list. I always start with Yoga for at least an hour, while going through my daily planner, writing a todo list and  catching up on the news (Internet). Now before I start my yoga, I go around the main level and spray 70% Isopropyl alcohol, on any touched surface that won't be wrecked by alcohol. While doing this the dog goes in and out of the house multiple times because she had to know what's going on in the backyard and front yard. Mainly keeping track of squirrels or any delivery trucks.  Pretty much an all day task for Zoey. I read that we should air out our houses and let in fresh air. Well, I think we are doing a good job of that with a dog that wants to be out, but not for long! I feel like every 30 minutes the door is opened up on both sides of our house. 

We (Steve) is still working on our floor, going on day #6! We still have a lot left to do in the back of our house. I made a small dent in all the stuff we had to move out of the office. I brought it all back in there and piled it up. I don't want to put it all away, because I've decided that yes, it does need to be painted (office desk/cabinets) I'm thinking white with either a black or gray desk. The cherry has to go! 

I am loving the new floors. Funny how they looked more light brown then gray in certain light and other times, dark gray. 
Entry and stairs. I also will be staining the stairs wood and trying to match our flooring. Another project I probably should start today. I have oak scraps of wood I can pre-test the color.  Hopefully, this project of color matching will go smoothly. I read that light floors are also coming in big time. No need to worry, our entire upstairs is light maple real wood. We have both trends covered for now! 

This is what we have left todo. Hopefully we have enough flooring left to finish. Steve is getting tired of doing the floor. He keeps saying "lets not do the porch". I'm like are you kidding? The carpet in there is gross and it needs to match the rest of the house! Take a break, but it must be done! 

My front (dining room) now sitting room is done! We even put the coffee table back in front of the couch but not in this photo. I would really love a new couch for this room but will wait till next years furniture (staging of new houses) sale. 

Just me, where I sit in the middle of everything we had to move to do the floor. It's never pretty during the changes but its sooo worth it! Loving my new floor and the total transformation! 
One photo from Logan's senior photos. There are so many good ones, I'll post one per day as to not go over board. He had to choose one for the year book before Dec 1st! 

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