Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, February 8, 2019

It's Friday, FAST Diet Day #19!

Oh my gosh, I'm sooo close to reaching another big goal day, Day #20!! And then week #4. 
I was feeling really hungry at dinner time. I had my yummy smoked clams in a can. Don't judge, they are sooo good and only 180 calories. Steve also had left over guacamole he made last night. So, I had a some on 4 regular size corn chips. I have to admit, I piled on the guac as much as I could on those 4 chips! It was that good! 

When I'm still hungry after dinner, I've been having a low calorie hot chocolate with a little suisse mocha added in.  Its a little more then 25 calories with the added mocha but it needs a little chocolate/coffee kick. 

I really thought about going cross country skiing yesterday afternoon. We ended up getting what I think is a foot of snow. I shoveled at least 3 or 4 times. The roads were not being plowed so I didn't know if they would even get to the park roads. Plus, the trails are never groomed until the next day. I didn't want to try skiing through a foot of fresh snow. I had enough exercise shoveling snow. Plus, I really needed a long afternoon nap. I was exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. 

I got a call from our tax accountant yesterday morning. He was working on our taxes and said your going to have a significant return this year. That's what I like to hear!!! I'm picking up our taxes from him this afternoon and can't wait to see what we get back in a refund! Fingers crossed we don't owe, but from the sounds of it, nothing! Well, just a little State sales taxes. That's completely do-able! 

I'm looking forward to the weekend, hitting my day 20 of my fast. Feeling thinner every day. I'm also working, which is good because I have lots of plans to keep busy and stay diet/fasting focused. It helps to have my day filled or at least a part of the day. This diet / fasting has been very manageable for weight loss. It really feels effortless. I know the only times I struggle is after dinner or when I'd like to have happy hour when we play cribbage. My diet goals are far too important to give in thankfully. So here's to moving on and keeping up the weight loss!!  

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