Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, February 1, 2019

2 Inches gone, just like that!

It feels good to be down two inches. It's day #12 on my intermittent  fasting 500 calorie diet. I decided instead of weighing myself I would just take my measurement. This morning I just did my waist and hips. Down 2 inches on my waist and hips! I've definitely lost some weight, but how much? I'm guessing at least 6 pounds if not a few more. 

Thursday, I stuck to eating one of my new favorites for dinner. Brussel sprout shavings and smoked baby clams. The clams are only 180 calories and the brussle sprouts like 50 for a cup cooked. I just used water to steam cook and didn't use any olive oil this time but probably will use a little oil next time because they just crisp up instead of getting soggy. They were still good and I have left overs for tonight. 

While this diet feels easy during the day hours, before I eat dinner. I always struggle a little with wanting to eat after my dinner. I just have to remind myself, that its almost bed time, not many hours left of the day and I can do this!! So I only ate around 280 calories yesterday, but I'm not feeling hungry this morning. Just sipping on water. I read putting a little salt on your tongue is the cure for being hungry too. Maybe I'll try that? It just doesn't sound very good at the moment. Not sure it would after dinner either. Usually, once I eat something salty, I just want sweet to balance it out. I also read brushing your teeth with mint also takes away wanting to eat. I definitely could try that one right after dinner. What I have notice, as the day goes on with out eating all day, my teeth start to feel gross. So brushing a few more times is probably a good idea while fasting! 

Moving on to my day #12. Almost at my three week goal day of #15 when I get to reward myself with a pedicure!! The weekends are always more challenging to stay on a diet. We like to go out to eat Friday and Saturday night. This is one of the reasons I keep my Thursday eating to a minimum doing half the calories. Not sure what our plans are this weekend other then I'm going cross country skiing both day since we are having a warm up and lots of snow now! I'm also working on Sunday for an hour. I do have plans to try and get back to our home projects. I have doors to paint, and office to paint and a buffet counter edge to sand and stain. Plenty to keep me busy! 

A few days ago, we had our Got Ya day for Zoey. It's been three years this doggie has been in our lives. What a joy she brings!! Happy Got ya day Zoey!! 

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