Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sometimes it takes a hit!

Mental health sometimes takes a hit! I had one of those days. Well, to be truthful I feel like I was struggling last week with motivation and just felt blah! This week I am motivated some what more but still feel like I struggle to keep my head above water. 

I lost a customer due to their family reasons. That always bums me out. Something I can't control but I know that I just need to advertise to replace. This too shall pass with being a little proactive on my part with getting more new customers. It's part of the business, they come and go all the time. Its also hard to hear any constructive criticism. I just am thankful for the reminder that there is always room for improvement. I'm not perfect, but I strive for that in my work. I'm always learning and that's a good thing even if its hard to hear at the moment. I just need to make the corrections and move on and not dwell on any negatives  because I can only move forward and I can not go back. 

Last night, I did not have diet low cal food. I had three drinks (not my best choice) and made home made pizza crust. We have tons of all kinds of cheese in the frig so we needed to use up some. Might as well make pizza's for dinner. I used a tomato pesto for the sauce, some blue cheese, cheese curds, and some other soft cheese with peppers, mushrooms, fresh basil, tomatoes and Italian chicken sausage. It was delicious and I ate the whole 8" pizza. 

I finally forced myself out the door to bike. It was extra windy. I just gave myself an okay to not push my self to hard. Just a nice easy bike ride of 8 miles. I did feel better and I needed it for a mood boost. Exercise really does the trick to make me feel better. 

We got our jetski back from the shop last night. I got the news that it was just the spark plugs (3). They changed them out and now it runs perfect. No need to replace the super charger. It came to $68 dollars and not $700 like we were thinking! It was a nice surprise! Plus, they got it back to us the next day. We weren't sure if it would be done by the 4th and to have it done, working and back so soon was such a nice surprise! Finally, something is going right! I took Zoey with us for a ride. Dogs need to get out too! She needs to travel in the car more often then going to the vet or groomer. She was a little bit crazy in the back seat. We buckle her into the car seat with her dogie attachment. This way we all stay safe. 

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