Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Kendra and I get to vote for a woman to Be our President!!!

Happy 20-10 birthday Kendra. To my daughter that does not want to turn 30 today. I'm so very proud of who you became, smart, beautiful, successful, determined and caring person. Love you lots!
Don't forget to VOTE! I'm super excited to be able to vote for the first Female President of the United States. This truly is a great country where woman do matter and can hold the highest position not only in the United States but the world. I'm with her!
 Hillary for President!!!
 I'm never going to mention the orange one EVER AGAIN! Lets hope he crawls back into his Trump tower and is too busy being sued, prosecuted and bankrupt to ever be seen or heard from again!

Yep, just us.. all done with this HISTORIC VOTE for President!!!
Logan made this pastel chalk picture in school. The clouds look so real.
A small popover fail last night. I heated all the ingredients so they were warm but oops, didn't pre-heat the pan and they didn't puff up.
Made a pan of peanut butter rice crispy bars. I used extra marshmallow so they are a bit chewy.
Monday, I not only with running for 3 miles in the morning, but biked to the bank and home for 7 biking miles in the afternoon.
 I need to get Zoey on the current time. She wants to get up at 4am and party. Of course, by 6am, she is already falling back to sleep.

Due to voting this morning, I am skipping my morning run. I'll have a chance to get in some exercise with mulching the back yard leaves. Followed by some miles of biking... one more nice 59+F day in November!!!

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